Teaching and Consulting

Game Theory and Behavioral Economics Consultant


After obtaining a PhD in economics, finance and management from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra I started working as permanent professor in Tecnocampus, a University affiliated to Universitat Pompeu Fabra and situated in Mataró where I am as well the director of the graduate program in entrepreneurship and innovation.

Here I teach several subjects related to economics and entrepreneurship. See my institutional profile.

Currently, I am also Associate Researcher at the EconLab at Arizona University.

Consulting and Business

In the last years I have been acting as a consultant in game theory and behavioral economics for several companies and universities, mainly in different South American countries and Spain.

I am co-founder of several companies: Diving Pass (2017),  Giusti & Palacios SL (2019), Herrera Giusti SL  (2024) and Dra Natalia Palacios

Here the link to my CV in PDF  version

Here the link to some newspaper articles where I have been interviewed